How are your services charged?
All services from India Source are designed specifically to your needs. In general consulting services are billed out at an equivalent rate of $100/hour. However specific services have set rates attributed to them. A Detailed estimate of the costs involved are always provided prior to any work beginning. A contract is signed and milestones are included to ensure you get what you pay for.
How do you work with US clients who are in various parts of the country?
We can either work with you over the phone or in person. All travel expenses are borne by the client for visits to your facilities both in the US and India. Many of your clients are comfortable working with us over the phone and via written documentation. For those that require it we will travel to you and work side by side as required.
How can you guarantee success?
While no one can be 100% certain of outcomes we outline what the objectives of a particular project are and map out definable outcomes and then work towards reaching those outcomes, informing you along the way what the current status is.
How long does the sourcing process take?
In general sourcing takes 3-6 months minimum. The reason for this is that it takes time for understanding our clients' needs on a general and technical basis, time to research potential vendor partners and then vet them and if deemed positive to actually visit the vendor and confirm they are who they say they are and can do what they claim to. We then start the sampling process which involves several discussions, shipping of samples, investigation of samples, and finally approval and production of final goods.

Sometimes a sourcing project can take only a few days for a simple product that is cut and dry and will not require any research and development or custom production. It is really up to the requirements of the client.
How do local, state, and federal laws affect the process?
India Source operates within the laws of both countries and has to work with various manufacturing, shipping, and export and import regulations which vary from place to place.
Do you only work with American Companies?
We actually work on behalf of all companies regardless of what their country of origin is. It just so happens that the bulk of our clients are US or Indian but that is not set in stone. We welcome inquiries from all over the globe.
What is the average cost of producing a prototype?
This will depend on the complexity of the product but in general a prototype can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand dollars depending on the amount of testing and certifications and government regulations involved. As a rule of thumb the cost of developing a prototype in India is about 1/3 to 1/5 the cost of doing so in the US but sometimes the expertise is not there in India to create the prototype so clients will prepare the same in the US and send it for production to India. Other times Indian Companies are looking to source technology and knowledge from the US to advance their production cause.
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