India Source provides you with the knowledge and resources you need to travel to India, vet the market to see if there is a need for your goods and services, and help you set up operations and actually manage that base of operations. We can act as your Manufacturer's representative or we can help you to set up a marketing office. We can locate office and warehouse space or assist you in leasing the same from a 3rd party to create a virtual presence in the country.
Our team is well trained on identifying all of your needs in order to operate like a Global 1000 company even if you are only a one-person operation!
We take your work and your company very seriously and we will look after the various requirements to make sure you can operate at your peak performance. This includes everything from logistics and supply chain management to personnel management and travel.
Let us know the level of exposure you want and we will do everything from printing your business cards to hiring the staff.
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